Monday, April 11, 2011


We drove about 6 hours from Monterrey to Guadalajara. It was a beautiful drive but getting closer to Guadalajara meant getting closer to the storm and lighting. We ended up getting lost for a bit... and arrived to the club just in time for Raoul to dj. We even waited outside in the car. The home where we stayed belonged to a dubstep producer and a graffiti artist. Another super hot day but was nice enough to walk around the downtown area. Guadalajara has a lot of amazing graffiti artist too.. seriously. The city has some really old mansions and a really dope gothic style churches. We had tortas ahogadas before we left since its a typical Guadalajara food. It's a torta with the bread dipped into hot sauce and then fried. Although i didn't finish my torta, it was pretty delicious. next post will be Mexico city, probably my favorite city of all. stay tuned! (omg my love comes home tonight from his mexico tour!) happy monday! xo Liz

the artist whos house we stayed at made this piece. this is all legally done street art. 
this piece has so much detail, its insane. 
the cow on the wall is pretty trippy! LOVE!

i look so scared here its funny.

"yes, this one will do!"-Luna
we saw these kids performing an indigenous dance in front of the church. check out the man in the red hat towards the right, he was drunk as hell trying to fit in with the performance.

Thark insisted in holding my purse. It did go with his outfit.

Thark and Lili. i love them. they put the tour together. we're family now. 

cutest little girl eating a cookie. also the longest brain fart.
Cuauhtemoc and his son. we stayed in his home in Guadalajara. btw, Luna was flirting pretty hard with this boy. hes adorable!
my little family in Guadalajara, our last meal. 

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