Tuesday, February 21, 2012


like Niko always says when he goes outside, "it's a sunny day!"

today i got the "sunshine award" from Yoly at Made for Lilybelle. what a sweet surprise! i am truly honored and grateful that you chose little old me :)
i first saw the sunshine award when Karen from Misha Lulu got it and i thought it was so cool so its really lovely that in a matter of days its made its way to me. as i understand when you are chosen for this award you answer a couple fun sunshine questions and then you pass the sunshine award to five other bloggers you think deserve it. & here are the questions:

favorite color: turquoise and mustard yellow... and black.
favorite animal: i love pandas, i wish i could have one. but we're dog people too. i love animals when they're babies though, all of them are super cute as babies.
favorite non-alcoholic drink: coffee in the a.m., iced tea and water in the afternoon. i also love making horchata at home. my sisters taught me how to make it from scratch.
facebook or twitter: facebook. its more interactive i think, and i love seeing my loved one's photos.
favorite number: 6 has always been my favorite. not sure why.
passion: my family and friends. music, photography, finding vintage treasures, food.
getting or giving presents: getting is always nice, specially if its something you want. but giving is so much more  rewarding.
favorite pattern: right now im really into navajo southwestern patterns.
favorite flower: i love them all but favorites are roses, tulips, stargazers and orchids.

and now i pass it along to five ladies who deserve the sunshine award for spreading sunshine and love on the internet...

1 drea at oh dear drea 
2 morgan at mama loves papa 
3 christine at think pritty  
4 tiffany at mi pancita 
5 ingrid at lottie lulu 

thanks again Yoly, thank you for being such a sweetie! big hug to all!! 


  1. Oh goodness, how fun! Thanks lady. "It's a sunny day"

  2. Happy to pass the sunshine award to you Liz! Your blog always make me smile :)

  3. thank you sending sunshine my way!

    here is my reply :)


  4. Awww shucks, thanks so much. there is nothing nicer than a little sunshine!


Thank you for your sweet comments! Have an amazing day!