Thursday, February 23, 2012


yesterday and today were one of the most relaxing days ever. after we picked up papa from the airport yesterday we stopped at chipotle, came home and put on our pjs and lounged around. it was so nice!
we just can't get used to papa being gone all the time, we miss him so much when he leaves. and tomorrow he goes again.. anyway, we went to the park this afternoon right before the sun went down, again. the cool thing about going to the park so late is that nobody else is there anymore so we have the park to ourselves!
i had a couple exciting moments from today to share though, one of my best friends is having baby #2, marcela from culture mami is also pregnant, i was invited to a mommy meet up in l.a. in a couple months, and papa made a song with niko!
Niko: shirt, target. pants, gap kids. shoes, converse. sweater, harajuku mini for target.
Luna: dress, h&m. tights, handed down. shoes, gymboree. headband, ive had forever. 
our poor little lucky is sick today, he has an ear infection. he gets dizzy because he shakes his head side to side from his ear infection.. and even had to vomit earlier. poor pup. i feel bad that we can't take him to the vet until saturday but hopefully he feels better when he wakes up!

here's niko's super mario song! you can also see they're first video HERE


  1. oh my goodness, they are both so darn cute!!! but that Luna? she kills me! and now with a lace headband? stop it!

    i love lazy pajama days

  2. Luna is so cute in that dress and my kiddos were totally rocking out to that song! It is tough when Mr.'s are away. Hang in there Mama

  3. Niko is totally rocking the hoodie! And Luna so cute in that dress! Be careful when you wash the dress because Lily's bow frayed, so I cut out part of it :( Love the Niko song!

  4. i love luna's little dress! adorable ;)

  5. Adorable photos and outfits. I love your little loves! I bet that would be hard having him gone all the time. You're doing such a great job taking care of those little ones! Oh, and poor pup! That is so sad!

  6. Oh wow but look at those cute little darlings!! They are just precious-and their outfits too!

  7. such style these little ones have! i love it :)

  8. such style these little ones have! i love it :)

    (oops didnt mean to post anon)


Thank you for your sweet comments! Have an amazing day!