Wednesday, August 24, 2011


i see my baby girl so big when i look at these photos but then realize she's still a baby. as time flies by i learn to accept that my little ones are growing and we will all be in different stages in our lives very soon. i am currently thinking of putting niko in a pre-school part time. and i will keep luna at home until she's three.
she learns everything from her big brother so she is so brave for her age. like, last week she went down the big slide and did a flip on the way down. she was surprised and had a look on her face like, what happened? but she didn't cry. she just dusted herself off and went about her business. and every time i go to the park parents stop to ask me about her hair and how old she is because her hair is almost at waist length. it just grows and grows. i don't even think its normal but i love her hair, so beautiful and shiny. these photos were taken on sunday, when niko was at his grandma's house. here is a list of some of luna's favorite things, in no particular order...
  1. milk
  2. her family
  3. hello kitty, elmo and pocoyo 
  4. spaghetti
  5. strawberries
  6. being outside
  7. people watching
  8. reading books
  9. playing with her big brother 
  10. grandma's back yard 
  11. making messes 
  12. bubbles
  13. taking baths 
  14. baby dolls 
  15. playing with the sand at the beach (and eating sand too) 
  16. dancing 
  17. singing the a,b,c song. 
  18. petting puppies 
  19. being carried around the house 
  20. brushing her teeth

jumper, vintage. onesie, baby gap. sandals, salt water. 



christinerojas said...

i love her hair!

Ana said...

She is full of cuteness!!! I love that vintage jumper!

Ellyn said...

Cutie pie! And great blog!

whitney said...

i love her. she looks so spunky!! :) happy 18 months!! that first photo is just too much.

Manda said...

That little jumper is so sweet! And her pigtails - too cute!

Anonymous said...

She always reminds me of a little dolly with all that hair. It really is glorious. And that sunsuit is adorable too, especially the ruffles.

Stacy Hart said...

i can't agree more with you about her hair - it is gorgeous! everything about her is just so cute and that romper just adds to the cuteness!

gabrielle said...

found you via hart & Sew, your wee girl is gorgeous in her vintage romper and salt water sandals are top of my wish list for our next summer...will have to find somewhere that ships to NZ

Sara Sophia said...

I posted on the same thing today--on littles getting bigger. They seem so small but when I look at really hits home how much times is flying <3

I love her little romper! So precious and the pigtails just top it off perfectly <3


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh my goodness she is adorable!


erica @ expatriababy said...

Adorable jumper. And I can't believe how long her hair is for 18 months! She's so lucky!

Lena B, Actually said...

She's the cutest! I love her hair! Beautiful... and her name is sooo sweet, I've always loved the name Luna, but seeing as my name is Lena, I would never be able to use it! lol
New follower! :)

Kendra Morris said...

You always get the cutest vintage clothes for your little girl! I love her pretty hair! She is so cute!

Unknown said...

That jumper is absolutely adorable. My 17 month old daughter likes almost all of the same things. I was actually a little weirded out when I saw your list because it's pretty much my daughter hands. They'd probably be best buds if they knew each other.

Morgan said...

Oh, she seriously not be any more adorable! I love her little outfit and that hair- oh, her hair is SO gorgeous! I can't believe how much she has. Finley is almost 20 months and is still in the awkward mullet stage. :)

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness!!! She is so stinking adorable!! My little one is 13 months and has lots of hair too, and I also, am in awe of how fast she's growing up!!

I found you through Small Style! I have a similar linky called Mini Mod, you should link up when you can!

Marcela said...

Her hair is so long and beautiful!!!

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