Small Frank by Paul Frank little boy shirts are the best. I haven't been able to shop so much lately so I was in soho heaven yesterday! The weather was perfect, even though it rained a little it was humid and reminded me of Atlanta:) Top shop was 4 floors and I loved every single one!

I found some boots which ended up hurting my feet! It started raining and I didn't want to ruin my little suede flats so I put on my new boots and big mistake, it hurt the back of my feet so then I put on my pumps and the side of my feet got blisters! I was fucked up all the way.. and still had to go eat dinner at Sala for Ariella's birthday and then the party which Raoul was djing at. I made it alive luckily. Here's some photos to prove it.
Sala Tapas Cuisine.

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