Saturday, February 18, 2012


i am obsessed with these shoes i found by mini melissa below.. and pretty much everything else. i always tell the mister he should be a carpenter but he chooses music instead. he's pretty good at that anyway..  i think it would be the coolest thing to make our own modern playhouse so the kids can have fun in there. we used to have a playhouse growing up with a tiny couch and a play kitchen. i loved it so much until we grew out of it, then it was converted into what became my bedroom. my uncle came and added a room since my parents had six kids! isn't that exaggerating? i didn't like having so many siblings growing up, but i do now. i remember vividly asking my mom why she had so many kids. i needed things my parents couldn't give me, or at least i thought i did. i wanted more toys, clothes and time and attention with my mom. i hope my kids never feel that way.. i am very grateful my kids have a lot more than i did growing up. and pinterest isn't helping since i want like everything on there. i made little collages of cute kid things that will go on the endless "luna wish list"... are you on pinterest? i could definitely say i am addicted. i pin like a mugg.


  1. Those yellow shoes are adorable. I must buy for my niece. Gracias.

  2. I saw that picture with the little girl in the roller skates on pinterest the other day and now I want get Julia some roller skates.

  3. Love all of it! Saw pic#1 on pintrest and their clothes are amazing, too bad I can't understand :(

  4. The pic with the girl in mix-matched roller blades is simply adorable! These photos are very colorful and happy!


Thank you for your sweet comments! Have an amazing day!