Sunday, February 19, 2012


this will be my first time linking up at the paper mama's photo challenge and i am so excited because i love these sorts of things keeping me taking photos. i am already a nut for photographing every part of my kids life but i want to get better at taking pictures. i feel like i need to take a photo class though. there's some things i need to learn about my camera and reading the manual is so confusing to me. like one thing i have trouble with is getting clear pictures but i think i have it focused and i don't. i don't really like using flash and that's why they come out a bit blurry but flash just takes away from the moment i think.
anyway.. this photo was taken last week in my yard. i was trying to take better photos of luna in her birthday dress but that just didn't happen. i have this weird dreams where my kid will actually pose for me but that never happens. i usually have to chase her around and beg for her to look at me. haha.
i love this photo of them though. i love to see them and hear them play together, when luna was a baby i couldn't wait for her to walk and be able to play with her brother and now its happening, and i love it!
they do fight like normal siblings from time to time but for the most part they love each other and niko is super over protective over his baby sis. i fear for her when she is a teen, this boy will be on her like a hawk!

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