Friday, January 21, 2011


what a joy to have my mama around with the kids. she spent the night and went to the park with us today. we kicked the ball around with niko until we ran into a 1st grade class who were playing games on the grass. we then started to play with random 6 year olds throwing and kicking the ball back and forth, niko and i had so much fun playing with them! we went to the playground area for a little bit and niko went down the slide once but had mixed feelings being around SO MANY kids. there were 2 groups of 1st graders, one was by the playground and the other playing on the grass. niko would look at them from afar and had a smile on his face from watching them but once they ran close to him he got overwhelmed and a bit scared so the grass was better for us. i am working on a post to show you Luna's super cool sneakers collection so i took a couple pictures but very few because soon after we arrived at the park my mom pulled out some cheetos then it was all over. luna got cheetos on her shirt, face, pants and even her socks! i love and appreciate the time spent with my mom so much. as soon as we got back from the park my mom made alphabet soup for the kids while we had a beatles marathon and sang along extremely loud. she loves the beatles and so do i! we'll see what tomorrow has in store for us. happy weekend! xo Liz

my mama and kids, they make me so happy! 

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