Yesterday we while I was running errands with the kids I decided to stop by the park on our way home. Last time I took both kids by myself to the park was a nightmare! Niko was not listening to me and kept running away from me, towards traffic, while I was carrying Luna and she was also spitting up. This time, I got lucky!
Niko made friends and went up and down the slide and got on the swing next to his little sister.. And I met a mom and her two daughters similar age to mine, one was 4 months and as happy and cute as can be! The other daughter is 3 years old and so sassy! Huge personality for such a little person! We agreed to meet again today at the park at 11am. Of course, I was late. Of course, she was late also! Once I got there I remembered we didn't know each other's names, then she says "Liz" Ha! funny because that's my name too! She is the same age as me and lives just one block away. She is awesome and so are her kids. I hope to have more play dates with her soon!
Earlier while I had uploaded some photos to the blog, I noticed Niko had somehow published my draft post. This sneaky kid knows computers so well at only 2 years old. He amazes me every day!
Niko was being silly on our way to the park, saying "DUDE!" I told him to stand still for a picture but he decided to sit instead.

Luna and her massive hair! She loves the swing!

Luna is wearing her Bob Marley shirt, handed down from her brother, it was also handed down to him from our friend Mia. Leggings, Baby Gap. Shoes, Converse.
Niko is wearing his "DUDE" shirt from Target. Jeans, H&M (from Belgium). Shoes, Adidas.
** highlights of the day:: Niko riding the slides by himself. Not fighting at all.
Niko going to the potty by himself. Niko saying "sorry" on his own.
Niko picking at his uncle's birthday cake!
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