Wednesday, June 19, 2013


last week was kind of a disaster, our car broke down. we share a car & we've had it since i was pregnant with my little niko bee a little over five years now. its been a great car so far but i think its our fault for not keeping up with transmission fluid. so not only did i not have a way to get out of the house but my almost five year old boy was driving me nuts. i started reading a book called 1-2-3 magic & before i could even finish the book i started noticing changes. not only in my little boy but in me. i really believe that our toddlers normal tantrum behavior can change a bit if we parents change our way of looking at it & reacting while it happens. i tend to get caught up in the moment and get frustrated with him. then its a chain reaction. since sunday, niko has been at his grandma's house so its just me and my girl. papa is working most of the time so luna and i have been bonding and oh man this girl will not shut her mouth. she can talk and talk and talk... and i love it. she has the cutest tiniest voice and such great imagination. i am overflowing with joy that my girl brings me and at the same time i really miss niko. its just not the same without him & his loud raspy voice. he is full of energy and demands attention. and i love that he secretly wants to be cuddled by his mama. today luna and i walked to the post office, then to a vintage store a couple blocks down and then came home to play with bobbi & some computer games on pbskids. we actually go back & forth between nickjr & pbskids. luna is getting pretty good with the mouse, we're a computer loving family the four of us.

 tired of walking & wandering around "times of threads" such a cool vintage shop in san pedro.
 yello= limonade, green= money  that's what luna says anyway.
my girls. playing nice, for once. 
 i bought these planters because i am now a cat person. plus they were cheap & cute.
 bobbi playing peekaboo.
on repeat lately.

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