Tuesday, January 29, 2013


i have been lagging on my weekly posts, but really, what else is new? i am now trying to put together luna's birthday party and scheming ideas to make her special day fun for everyone. so that's what i've been up to. that and niko's school has so many events to keep track of lately, but i love it!

we recently went to the aquarium near our house and its a bit small, definitely smaller than long beach but it was great! i loved all the anemones they had and the jelly fish were beautiful too.  i turned into a kid while looking at the different sea creatures, just fascinated by it all. niko had a bit of trouble with "the swimmer" the diver skeleton they had on the ceiling but other than that the kids had a great time. afterwards, we hung out at the cold windy beach and ran around and played with sand. oh wait that wasn't me, that was the kids.

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