Thursday, August 16, 2012


it has been so nice to hang with other sweet mamas and their babies lately. this is something i should of been doing a very long time ago but this summer i have pushed myself to arrange meet ups with people my kiddos and i enjoy hanging out with. my kids definitely needed new playmates and i needed friends too. its the best days when we can get out of the house and interact with people who are just like us! sometimes its difficult to agree on a time and day when there's more than two families but we make it work. now if i could only plan a mamas night out! ha.
i have seen a change in luna's vocabulary recently.. she is putting sentences together and she has also added "no" to her daily words. its said with a tiny sweet voice, its cute and funny and a bit scary. niko's mood changes constantly.. and together we learn how to deal with things. but overall, we are getting back to the regular things and we are once again happy and a united family. the mister and i have been really enjoying each other lately and it seems more frequently now, we stop and observe our kids in awe. because these children of ours are pretty amazing. we look at them and we look at each other, and we giggle. and then we high five each other for creating such beautiful creatures.

last thursday was spent at the beach with my friend julie and her sweet daughters... they have become some of our favorite people. we are so happy we found these ladies! 


  1. Yes, lets do a GNO!! These pictures are so cute of the kids having a fun Summer. Hopefully we can hang out again, soon!

  2. Totally agree...playdates for the kiddos and mommy playdates are always necessary. Glad to see you're out making new friends. Hope to see you soon, my dear. Hugs :)

  3. I can just imagine you guys genuinely jumping and giving a high five. lol
    Your kids are awesome! We <3 you!


Thank you for your sweet comments! Have an amazing day!