Thursday, February 9, 2012


it took us quite a while to recover from the rager we threw for Luna this weekend. it was so much fun, stress, chaos and happy moments. we didn't actually have a rager but in a kid's mind im sure it was, we started the party at two and finished around nine. for me, its always stressful to put a party together, im not very good under too much stress and usually always forget to do at least one thing. luna's party went down pretty smoothly thank goodness, and the bonus was the perfect weather! we rented a jumper and had so many sweets and a whole bunch of kids over to celebrate Luna's second birthday.. i do have other photos to share as soon as i can get to my own computer, be back tomorrow! xo

p.s. it was such a sweet surprise to find that Luna was last week's featured "small styler"! we always love contributing over at mama loves papa, thank you Morgan for hosting! big hugs!! 

photos are polaroids of the kiddos, stars & moon made with construction paper and letters from gilt.

Luna's dress is by Misha Lulu, shoes from payless, bow made by me.


  1. That looks like such a fun party! And the dress. I love it. I love love love the fabric, and she totally rocks it. Happy birthday to your sweet girl!

  2. happy belated 2nd birthday to Luna! the party looks like a whole lot of fun. love her dress.

  3. Happy Happy Birthday Luna! Those balloons look like the perfect welcome to a fabulous party!


Thank you for your sweet comments! Have an amazing day!