Thursday, October 13, 2011


it has been pretty quiet here on the blog lately but at home it has been everything but quiet. this weekend i went to lakeshore to buy a couple things to start home schooling niko. niko tells me just about every day that he wants to go to school but he's not potty trained and isn't very consistent on the whole potty department. i know i have a lot to learn about potty training too but it can sometimes be overwhelming and so i easily give up. well, home schooling could go smoother than it has been. it seems my kiddo isn't too interested yet but i did schedule an appointment with a preschool this week. today was one of the hottest days of the year, like ninety something degree weather. the kids got hosed down in the back yard and they absolutely loved it.  they both wore little niko undies and had a blast splashing around. and all it took was just a little bit of water, oh the simple things in life! then later in the day niko told me i was his best friend, the first time he ever said this to me. it caught me off guard and i felt so special! he could say some really sweet things when he's in a good mood. but then later he told his Papa that he was his best friend, what a cute and sweet little trader. i guess we could both be his best friends, i seem to have a bunch of best friends myself  :)

Niko: shirt, handed down from his cousins. shorts, childrens place. shoes, vans. 
(sleepy face) Luna: dress, baby gap, handed down from her cousins. shoes, saltwater. 

Quick note about hand-me-downs:: I LOVE when my kids wear hand me downs. we have been so blessed to get so much clothes from their older cousins. and it makes me happy to see Niko excited about the clothes he has received from his cousins because he loves them so much. some of the clothes my kids wear has been handed down up to four-five times and it has more history and sentimental value to us. i truly am grateful to have received such pre-loved gems!


  1. they are both so cute! potty training is hard. Lily sometimes goes poop in the toilet but most of the time has no interest in it. i think once they are ready, they will do it. good luck with both!

  2. My pediatrician warned me that my strong willed baby would probably be a real challenge to potty train. Oh dear I'm not forward to those days. Nevertheless, cute kiddos...peeping in the potty or not!

  3. Love the pics! Luna is growing so fast! My coworker said her boys use to go peepee in their bushes or on their trees plus I guess it was fun for them too and that's how they learned. I told rocky I'm not buying u anymore pampes
    u have to wear chonis now. At first there was a lot of accidents but u got to keep putting those chonis back on. EVery hour sit him on the potty. Rocky still misses alot so I'm constantly mopping the bathroom floor. But I feel youpeaches it's not easy. Goodluck... Xoxo

  4. That's awesome you are homeschooling. Luna's hair is getting long!!

  5. I love your yard!!

    Your little bestfriend looks SO adorable! And, so does your little lady!! :)

  6. They're such cutie pies! I love your yard! Looks like you have a lot of space for the kids to enjoy and run around!

    Potty training is frustrating for sure!! I had the hardest time with Julia, so I'm hoping Evie will be easier.

  7. Ur kids are so adorable! Luna liiks like a doll:) I love your neighborhood and yard. So happy to hear you will be homeschooling. Will you be doing only till Nico goes to K? Good luck!

  8. So cute! Potty training is the pits and I love hand me downs too!

  9. you are doing an amazing job! your children are so cute and I love hand me downs too :) they are not only cute, but they have a great teaching about sharing :)

  10. I love Lake Shore! And your little ones are adorable. Hand me downs are the best - I wish I had someone to give me hand me downs. But I admit, I love to pass on to my friends :)

  11. I didn't have too many hand me downs when I was younger because I was so tiny. But I do enjoy second hand stores as an adult. And yes, your kids are gorgeous!

  12. They are such cuties and what a nice yard they have to play in.

    I love hand-me-downs too. In fact, I just got some out of the closet today for my younger son because the weather has turned chilly :)

  13. Homeschooling is a big task... so is potty training. Nice yard... cute kids.... fun shoes. :)

  14. Such cute children! Love her sandals!


  15. Good luck with homeschooling! You kids are so adorable! :)


Thank you for your sweet comments! Have an amazing day!