Tuesday, July 26, 2011


this weekend i spotted a black mark on luna's front teeth. it was behind her front teeth and on her gums  actually. while we were playing i was able to see it and i tried taking it off thinking it was food and it wouldn't come off. and i am pretty sure it was the beginning of a cavity. i was so upset with myself that it happened so early. she's only seventeen months and i brush her teeth (well, sometimes we forget) but i try to be good about that stuff and she doesn't eat candy either. she does sometimes sleep with a pacifier and before last month she was using a sippy cup with a soft nipple and sometimes fell asleep while drinking her bottle so i figured one of those things had to be the reason for the cavity. well, after seeing it i thought... i can't really take her to the dentist yet because she won't open her mouth and let the doctor work on her teeth so obviously they're gonna have to sedate her and just the thought freaked me out. i could never do that to luna, not now at least. okay here comes the good part, i told my cousin what i had seen and she took a look at it and told me to put a small amount of toothpaste with fluoride on her tooth while she slept and it would just dissolve and guess what... it worked.  i am so happy that little black spot is gone. i know how bad teeth can ruin your young years and make you feel so insecure and i definitely don't want that for my luna. her smile is everything.

these photos were taken last week, she being silly and trying to bite my feet! 

p.s. today's taco tuesday at whole foods! $1 street tacos, holler!
p.p.s. i used tom's kids toothpaste. just fyi. 


  1. Wow! That is great to know. How did you get her to leave the bit of toothpaste in her mouth? My son (2 1/2) fights us EVERY night when brushing his teeth and I noticed a bit of (what looks like) plaque on his front teeth. I know it's time he goes to a dentist but like heck I want him to be sedated or traumatized. I'm just not sure he is ready??? I'm going to try the toothpaste thing if he will cooperate!

  2. hi Tiffany!
    i did it while she slept. a couple of people have told me (and i remember) that kids just don't like the dentist and won't cooperate at such a young age. i still haven't took my son either and he just turned 3 last month.. but honestly, i don't think he will like it. try the toothpaste a couple nights if it doesn't work on the first time! :)
    let me know if it works for you!

  3. wow, how scary! so glad it's gone :)

  4. DREA: yes! they are!! :)

    CHRISTINE: thank you! me too!!


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