Friday, July 29, 2011


okay so next weekend is blogher. i still haven't got my ticket and not sure if i will even be able to go due to the mister's schedule. anyhow, blogher will take place in san diego, just about two miles from my home and so i thought i could blog a little guide of my favorite places in san diego. of course once i started thinking about it i realized that most people would be too busy to even travel around and get to know the city. so here are some cool restaurants in downtown san diego close to the convention center. hotel or convention center food doesn't seem too appetizing to me. and if you're bringing your hubby and kiddo. the children's museum is just across the street from the convention center. kiddos of all ages love that museum. also beware, if you go into the mall in downtown, chances are you will get lost. the mall was designed to be like a maze and its really confusing, even after going for years.. its so frustrating when you're in a rush.

breakfast-brunch-lunch: CAFE 222 
222 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 
i suggest: peanut butter and banana french toast. my mouth melts every time i think about it. 

lunch-dinner:  POKEZ -Mexican, Vegetarian food
947 E St., San Diego, CA 
i suggest: tofu fajitas, not pictured but they're amazing. 
dinner : RAMA Thai food  
327 Fourth Ave.San Diego, CA 
i suggest: pad thai and a cocktail. don't go here if you're eating on a budget.
 photo source:  cafe 222, pokezrama

note: if you want to visit the city, please let me know what you have in mind and id love to direct you in the right place. id like to think i can be of help considering ive lived here forever. :)  


  1. I want to go to blog her too, but just like you my schedule is crazy and so are the ticket prices!!! I will have to try that vegetarian place...sounds yummy :)

  2. PRICES ARE OUTRAGES... and i don't really know what i will be getting myself in to... we'll see! :)


Thank you for your sweet comments! Have an amazing day!