Thursday, June 9, 2011


okay so i missed a day in the photo challenge, shoot me. i really tried to get a picture of the sunset but i just couldn't find it. today was kinda busy around these parts so i took this photo with my cell phone. we ran errands at target (one of my favorite places on earth), took the kids on a train ride, played at the park, and put the kids to sleep right before 7:30. that was my favorite part because i am super tired. i have so much laundry to do in the morning. but i want to wake up early and hit up a huge sale that will start tomorrow at a vintage store in hillcrest. hope i get lucky and score myself some gems. have a great night. xo Liz

1 comment:

  1. girl, i know!! it's getting harder and harder to keep i[ with this challenge. You're going to laugh when you see my day #10 haha I keep having to improvise.

    don't give up :) those oranges look yummy!


Thank you for your sweet comments! Have an amazing day!